Friday, March 23, 2018

Idea Napkin No. 2

1.       I am a third-year finance major at the University of Florida. My skills are that I am very math oriented and good at critical thinking and problem solving. Making people like me comes relatively easy to me and it has come in handy in multiple circumstances. The aspirations that I would have if I were to start this business would be to start a company that is a household name. If this was the case then I would have made a product that everyone is accustomed with and that has provided value in multiple people’s lives.

2.       I am offering a peace of mind to traveling customers that want to make sure they get to where they need to be. This could be in the form of an airline or a insurance package.

3.       The people that I would be offering this too would be relatively well-off families that tend to travel often and know the inconveniences that come with traveling. The thing that they all have in common is being familiar with the airline industry.

4.       Customers will pay me money to make sure that they do not wind up spending the night in an airport. Or making sure that they don’t have to spend a lot of money on hotels and other flights when they have already paid to have something done for them.

5.       What sets me apart is my drive to succeed and my ability to work harder than my competitors.

I believe that the elements stated above blend nicely. There is a lot of reasoning that is given as to why this business is valuable and why other customers will agree. The only weak link would be the part that pertains to me. I’m not sure what my core competencies are and how they would help me start this company.


The first point that I addressed was my lack of talking about myself. In my first time around I talked about my idea exhaustively and let my selling of myself fall through the cracks. This time around I did my best to talk myself up as much as possible

The second point that I focused on was my description of why people would find my company valuable. To combat this I made sure that there was a well thought out description and examples of why my idea would be useful to others.


  1. I'm glad you've changed your market. I don't know if this has been a recent development but families are good to market to because they would definitely pay for ease of mind when traveling. My only problem with this I guess is that when you talk yourself up, those skills don't really roll over to how they would help you sell this product and create a business for yourself. Also, you should find something else that sets you apart from every other company, working hard is too vague.

  2. Hey Nicholas!
    I think you did a lot better job of selling yourself in this idea napkin. You seem like you have a lot of skills and experience that would help with selling your product. I also liked the fact that you had a much better description of your product market. Great work overall!
