Friday, March 16, 2018

Elevator Pitch No. 2

Elevator Pitch!

Reflection and Changes

I really needed to brag more this time around as I gave my elevator pitch. I gave a lot of soft examples of things that I am good at in my last video. This time I decided to give concrete examples backing the things that I am good at. I could always add more energy but I don't like looking tacky. However, sometimes you need to do those kinds of things in order to achieve the things that you want to in life. It's always hard to change something like this because I haven't changed much since my last recording. There is always room for improvement though.


  1. Adding energy doesn't make something tacky, you could achieve this be simply smiling or changing the tone of your voice as you move on from point to point. I was a little confused though, I thought these pitches were supposed to be for a product we were selling, not for telling others about our credentials. That said, yours are pretty impressive, well done.

  2. Hey Nicholas!
    I thought you did a really good job expressing your points on this week's video assignment. Going forward I would make the video a little more dynamic by adding some props and energy. Too much energy is never a bad thing when expressing a service you are passionate about! I look forward to the next installment.
