Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Create a Customer Avatar

Customer Profile

I will be profiling a stereotypical person that I see using my product down to a singular person. Not a type of person, but a single person. I see this person being a mom that is not traveling alone. There is a lot of planning going into making the itinerary for their family trip and they want everything to go perfectly smoothly. They have had horrible experiences traveling before and most of it was out of their hands. They have been jaded by horrible customer service and are expecting the worst of the worst when they deal with anyone from the airline they are traveling with. They would have taboos against certain airlines, but they have yet to find one that they are fond of. Outside of these bad experiences I see this person being extremely cautious and having a lot of responsibilities. The reason they would be my customer is because I would offer them a peace of mind that they would find hard to get anywhere else.
This woman would like to watch Ellen and have a husband that works in Finance. There would not be a single thing out of place in her house. Christmas dinner would be held at their home and they would have a Golden Retriever. Two children, one named Johnny and the other Sara (without an h). They feel pleasant to be around but for some reason you feel that you are constantly being judged. Her kids go to private school and they have a Florida Prepaid Account for the kids. There is also a good chance that this person voted for Trump, but her husband didn’t want to be bothered to go out and vote. There is a lot of work that goes into keeping a household so well kept together and they take waaaaaaay toooo much pride in it. Probably a few family scandals that nobody knows about.

I don’t have too much in common with this customer profile because I am a reckless college student. However, we do have a similar distaste for the airline industry. I don’t think that this is a coincidence because everyone who travels relatively often has similar points of view on this subject.


  1. Nicholas,

    I enjoyed reading your post. You went into great detail on some very particular attributes of your avatar and I thought that was creative and funny. I also liked how you said that you don't have a lot in common with this avatar but the one thing you have in common was the issue with the airline industry that you are looking to solve.

  2. Hey Nicholas!
    I like that you were able to pinpoint your customer avatar so specifically. I like the detail that you put into your avatar's life as I can now imagine that person quite easily. Being a person who travels fairly often, I agree with your sentiments. All in all, great work keep it up!
